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  • Writer's pictureSamantha McCowat

Wintering by Katherine May

I have always struggled with my mental health especially in winter, and for as long as I can remember  have suffered from quite severe SAD (seasonal affective disorder)  Each october i know a change is coming and as the nights become longer and darker I sink into a deeper darker depression. I am uninterested in life, have no motivation, feel lethargic and weep. I weep alot.

This winter has so far been quite different for me. A kind individual recommended that I read a book called Wintering by Katherine May and I must say I found it quite inspiring.

Katherine May shines a different perspective on winter encouraging us to embrace the season for what it is,  she reminds us that it is ok to slow down during the colder and darker months just like the rest of nature does and to find comfort and peace in 'wintering' The stories and lessons in this book have guided me,  in some sense to become a part of winter instead of fighting against it.

I cut back on work and have allowed myself to enjoy hibernating in front of my wood burner with several good books and good food. I have been forcing myself to wrap up and get outside In the light and start appreciating what winter has to offer us and I feel so much better for it  

This book has given me a gentle nudge into spending time reflecting on the whole process of winter and opened my eyes to how beautiful it can be. A must read for anyone out there who struggles with the darker months.

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